72 Dangerous Animals: Latin America
Dangerous Beasts and Mystical Lands collide in this Ultimate Creature Countdown.
72 Dangerous Animals: Asia
It’s destination ‘Dangerous” as we get up close with Asia’s most fearsome creatures.
Mission Predator
In a world first, a team of professional divers create a heart simulator to test the theory that sharks can sense a human heartbeat.
72 Dangerous Animals: Australia
Welcome to Australia... we have 72 of the world’s deadliest creatures.
72 Cutest Animals
Counting down the natural world’s cutest animals!
72 Dangerous Places to Live
A fascinating discovery of the world’s riskiest places to live
GT Hunters
There's plenty of fish in the sea. We want the BIG ones.
Wimp 2 Warrior
Taking every day people to extraordinary lengths
David Morrison - Managing Director
Jane Rose - General Manager | Producer
Carolyn Bertram - Producer
Audrey Everard - Development & Production Executive
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